Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Leah's Mormon.org Profile

I am a SAHM. I love adventures. You might as well because everyday is a new one. I'm a child of God. I'm a Mormon.

About Me

I am a Stay-at-Home-Mom. I have four children. My oldest has 1p36 Chromosome Deletion. My goal is to raise them as self sufficient, respectful, and caring members of society. My children are a big part of who I am but not all of who I am. They will leave my home some day and I want them to be proud of the woman I am.

I am married to a wonderful example of a Priesthood holder. We were married in the Laie, HI temple for all time and eternity. We love to serve as a family.

I have an online business that allows me to work from home sewing crayon & jewelry rolls and making other home crafts. I am college educated. I love to travel. Sadly I don't have any stamps in my passport yet. I have lived most of my life in America's high five (aka Michigan).

I love to celebrate! We have a lot parties at our house, both pretend and actual. My house is not always spotless. We are too busy making memories.

Why I am a Mormon

I grew up in the church. My parents were great examples to me and my siblings. I had a strong testimony and knew that the church was true. When I was in my teens, I started to fall into peer pressure. I made choices that were contrary to the high standards of the church. I felt that the commandments were restrictions and I felt trapped. At sixteen I was excommunicated. After that I personally went into a dark place. My mother always made sure that I had home teachers and visiting teachers. She also made sure that I received the church magazine, The Ensign. I didn't always appreciate that effort, but I allowed it.

While I wasn't a member of the church I had a girl and got married. In that order. When my daughter was one, we realized there was something wrong. She wasn't meeting the regular milestones. For many years after that there was a lot of testing. It wasn't until she was six that we got her diagnosis of a 1p36 Chromosome Deletion. Being her mother was hard in those early years. I desired something more for her and me.

I prayed a lot during these years. I still knew that Heavenly Father was aware of me. I tried going back to church many times. It was always hard getting in the door. I tried to go unnoticed. I did not get the support at home that I desired. It was a very difficult time in my life. Most of my memories from that time come to me in a darkened light.

After eight years and feeling really low, I knelt down at the end of my bed and prayed for my Heavenly Father's forgiveness. Between the tears, I felt the warm embrace of the Spirit. Something I had missed for so long. I knew after that night that I needed to change my life. I was baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost by my brothers.

I have been going strong ever since. I know that Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for mine. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and will always bless me if I keep his commandments. I know now that they are there to protect us and I know prayer works. Try it

How I live my faith

I live my faith by serving in my church. I teach the youth every Sunday. I have worked with the children, taught in the women's organization, taught early morning seminary, and attend Sacrament. I visit women every month to make sure their needs, both physically and spiritually, are bring met. I go to the temple as often as I can (which is hard with little ones).

At home, I teach my children to pray. I teach them to love the Lord and each other. We have Family Home Evening every Monday. We read the scriptures together. Right now it is only a verse at a time, but we read.

I keep my standards high. I keep friends with those same standards. I have learned that this is very important to me.

I pray with my husband every day. I support him in his callings at church and as the Priesthood holder in our home.

I pay tithing. It has blessed us in ways we are aware of and unaware at the same time.

I live my faith by keeping the commandments. They keep me safe and free.

I am a Mormon because the Gospel is true. This church is "the" church Christ organized when he was on the Earth. This church has His priesthood. The Atonement is real and I can not deny what Christ did for me.

1 comment:

Darci said...

Thanks for this- what a great testimony!